
Melinda Meszaros

Teacher - Educator - Lifelong learner

Who I am

Discovering cultures, languages and how these influence every aspect of our lives or how to navigate this colorful environment is immensely interesting and lots of fun! So is the journey of learning itself!

My name is Melinda Meszaros and I am a teacher and educator on culture, languages, study methods and perinatal care. I design and teach programs for both children and professionals.

I fell in love with the sensation of sharing knowledge when I was eight years old and the five year old little girl next door asked me to teach her the alphabet. The more she knew the brighter her smile shone and it felt amazing; I found my calling and ever since I’ve been tutoring and teaching in one form or another!


My professional background is in international business, intercultural cooperation and languages, education and health care (perinatal care). Besides, I specialized on the topics of learning with challenges such as dyslexia, high sensitivity, gifted children and adults or autism.

Based in the Florence region of Italy, I teach and work in English, Dutch, Hungarian (but you can reach out in Italian or German as well).

Some of the subjects I taught:

What can I do for you?

Some organisations I worked with